Chemical Dosing Offsite & WIMES 8.02 – Webinar 4

24 February 2021 Add to calendar


11.15 to 12.30 Lunch Break

13.15 to 15.00 close

  • Non-Walk-in Kiosk Solution
  • Walk-in Kiosk Solution

BIM4Water Product Data Templates (PDTs) for Chemical Dosing Equipment

  • Water industry PDTs are generated and managed by the BIM4Water Standard Libraries Group (SLG) and hosted on the British Water website
  • The Pump Centre (WIMES) and the BIM4Water SLG have been working together since 2016 to generate PDTs for all new and updated WIMES
  • There is therefore the intention to generate PDTs for selected dosing equipment components in parallel with the review of WMES 8.02
  • It is hoped that the Pump Centre (WIMES), the BIM4Water SLG and chemical dosing system suppliers can work together to agree the format and content of these PDTs

Audience: Suppliers, manufacturers and Water Company Asset Managers & Data Architects

Register your interest here and Fareita Udoh will be in touch with details.