Flexible Robotic Welding and Fabrication of M&E – Invitation to a Free BRE Workshop

20 February 2018 , Somerset Innovation Centre, Bridgwater, Woodlands Business Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 4FJ Add to calendar

Time: 9.30 -12.30

The application of Robotics and automation is likely to become increasingly significant in supporting measures to improve construction industry quality, performance and productivity.

The free workshop is organised by BRE and supported by a number of Buildoffsite Members.

If you or a colleague would like to attend you can register with Kim Noonam of the BRE at kim.noonan@bre.co.uk

Delegate places are limited and registration will be on a first come first served basis.


9.30: Welcome and Introduction, Exelin

9.45: Innovate UK’s FRAMBE and CRAFT Projects overview: Skanska

10.00: Introduction to the use of robotics for welding and fabrication of M&E: ABB

10.30: Fabricators view on the use of robotics in M&E services: Patera and Taunton Fabrications

10.45: Discussion and coffee break

11.15: Re-configurability demo: Trimble

11.30: Interactive delegate session to identify as barriers to the implementation of robotics and opportunities for the use of robotics: ABB and Exelin

12.15: Opportunities at Hinkley Point: Exelin

12.30: Business models (lease and purchase) and next steps: Exelin and BRE